Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dubai Duty Free's UNLEASHED Season 3 - Twogether (Duets) Category

Mechanics for Twogether - Duets:

·         Each team will have 2 pairs
·         A duo should consist of any staff member within S, AS & generic staff paired with any DOs, DMs, OMs & Managers
·         4 minutes (maximum) will be allotted for performance
·         This is a “Free Style” singing contest—contestants can choose any song  in any language
·         The performance could be composed of one song, a medley of songs, or a cappella
·         Costume, props, CD (format of the music) or any musical accompaniment are allowed and must be submitted on the specified date
·         Deduction of 2 points for every 15 seconds excess from the time limit 

        Interested Contestants may get in touch with c/o (6019 361) & Melvin Galang (050-3741107)

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